25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Thursday, April 29, 2010

at this moment

The last week has been pretty weird for me. Got my self into a slump, which usually indicates an intense conversation has occurred.
My mind is now reeling over facts, fiction, fears, demons and other things which lie ahead.
To stay and fight or to run away like I usually do.
Words from the conversation, push their way into my conscious at the most times, sending me into a whirlwind.
I want to cry but I am precariously balanced over the edge, of emotional turmoil.
For the past couple of days I have locked my self into my own little world, doing the mundane aspects of life, hoping to keep it all together, because this time when I break its going to be a big one...
I usually vent - get it out in the open with the people I am safe with, but this time its different. I am scared to let them know. For what will they think of me?
And my new friends, well I dont give them a chance... it is easier to close the door than deal with the risk..
that's life at this moment.

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