25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

IM 2

me: hey english question, trying to figure out the word.. its on the tip of my tounge but cant rem it sentence is "every word ---- in my soul"
now the word coming to mind is vibrates. but thats not it... its some thing liek that
do u have ne idea what i am talking about ?
me: rebirvaretes. i knwo thats not a word but it sounds like that. dang it
IG: revebrates?
me: thats it thats it
wat does it mean
IG: it means echoes repeatly like a vibration but tis very powerful
me: yes yes. oh ur r great
IG: reverberates
IG: new poem/ post?
me: post / peom. was suppose to be a poem.. is being converted into a post now
n u can imagine who it is about (this is the post)

IG: yes. i can :)
me: this man drives me insane
seriosuly... its horiible
IG: its not horrible.... its wonderful
me: it is wonderful...the thing is he barely ackowledges my exitence. He smells so good.

me: seriosuly i am becoming complusive what ever
shoot me before i become obbsessive
IG :)... obsession is a necessary element for love
me: well sniffing a man's jacket is not !
IG: well, if it smells good then ..why not?!

Note: Yes my english, some times is not the best. As IG says
Shreez, i know you write well (even though it doesnt go well with your usually notvery eloquent self ) but this is absolutely wonderful. you have out done

And yes I am a hopeless romantic !

The life an trials of Instant Messanger

All random conversations taking place on various IM's.

IM 1

me: i know i know... i am sick of it. Seriosuly i am sick of being sinlge
Papa Romero: arre enjoy life single man
ahh welll.. grass green .. blh blah
me: screw u
well acutally u r getting screwed... so maybe it shud be screw me
PR: hahaha as u wish
but i aint gettin any action man

and now i cant go huntin too
me: yeah rite.... atleast u've got some action.. i need to find my self a young cabana boy .. to make ugly with
PR: hahaha
no mountain boys u fancy yet
me: i really dont want to hear the throes of passion being screamed out in tamil thank

th you very much
PR: ayoooo
me: thanks thats all i need

Unrequited Love

Every smile of yours makes me smile
Every touch of yours sends shivers down my spine
Every word of yours reverberates in my soul

The song comes to an end. The guitar strings strummed one last time. You open your eyes, look up and smile. My heart skips a beat. You stare right at me, just seeing you is enough for me. That smile makes my day. A picture of you is all I need. It’s the fix I crave.

I look at my favorite picture. Your smiling brightly into the camera, you are smiling right at me.

Snap back into reality.

You finished your piece. Your tentative smile turning into a bigger grin. You walk towards me. I absorb the image that is coming towards me. Your sculptured body, your strong hands, your broad shoulders. Those eyes, the window to your soul.

You come closer and closer, I anticipate your touch, your arms around me. Your just there, two more steps. But wait, you keep walking. Your shoulder brushing against mine. A quick sorry and your walk away. I turn around to see you hug her. Your arms wrapped around her waist. You pick her up and twirl her around.

The lump in my throat gets bigger; my heart begins a downward spiral into pain. There is goes again. Unrequited love, broken hearts, hidden desires.

Why can’t I just tell you? I am going to tell you. Hesitantly I come forward. Your back is towards me, even the sight of you neck, sends shivers down my spine.
I blurt it out "I love you" You turn around with surprise written all over your face.

My voice struggles to stay strong

"I love you, okay I do. Every thing about you I love. I am the one you should be with. I am the one who is willing to give up every thing for you.

Let me be the shoulder you lean on. Let my hand be the one you hold. I don’t claim to know you completely, but I want to spend the rest of my life, learning about you.

I want to know what keeps you up in the night, I want to support you in your dream. The mere scent of you sends me into a place of utmost bliss.

You've seen my cry.
You've seen me laugh.
Now see me for the one who loves you, who will always love you"

"You ok?" he says, snapping me back into reality, I am staring right at you. Your arms are still around her. It takes me a moment to realize that it was a dream. My heartfelt confession was all in my mind. I swallow hard and reply "Yup all good?"

A smile and a curtsey nod and you turn around fingers intertwined with hers you leave.
And just as you turn the corner, my heart begins to weep. I try to grasp my breath but the tears don’t give me a chance.

"Why?" I scream.

"What have I ever done to deserve this? You give me love to share. Yet you give me no one to share it with.
What kind of game is this?
How many times am I to love some one I cannot get?
How many times must I smile when he walks way with her?

It’s not just him, what about the first. Just when I get over him you bring in second. Third time lucky! I think not!

You can’t tell me not to care. You can’t say just forget about him. It’s not that easy. You gave me this love, then why don’t you take it way. No you want me to deal with it.

One person, that’s all I ask.
Some one to love, some one to take care of.
Some one to protect, some one who will protect.
Who'll understand me? Who knows when I just need to be held?

Is it that tough? Or is it easier just to show me what I cannot get.
I don’t know what to do. I give up. I give up on love"

And as I stare at my reflection in the mirror, I have no answers.
But I still have unrequited love.

Every smile of yours makes me smile
Every touch of yours sends shivers down my spine
Every word of yours reverberates in my soul
Yet you dont know
You'll never know