25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Friday, July 13, 2007

You learn

Listening to Alanis Morissette 'you learn'

You live you learn
You love you learn
You cry you learn
You lose you learn
You bleed you learn
You scream you learn

You grieve you learn
You choke you learn
You laugh you learn
You choose you learn
You pray you learn
You ask you learn
You live you learn

What have I learnt ?
1. Althought he hurt me, I still love him ( I think)
2. No matter what they say - I know who I am
3. His insecurities, not mine (I must try to fogive)
4. Being in love is wonderful
5. I'm not scared of being single, having some one does not make me any different
6. B'cos I am too chicken - I have lost the opportunity to say what I had to say
7. Jesus Christ is my saviour
8. Who care's if I screwed up in the past, it brought me here !
9. Stop letting people take you for granted - speak up
10. I'm catstrophe prone

A DeMontini

Although a rip off from the classic martini - a De Montini is no martini
Icy cold, hot pink and highly intoxicating - a de montini is drink you should not miss !

1 part vodka
2 part tequila
1 part white rum
Dash of Triple sec
1 part Strawberry crush
Crushed ice
Sugar (pink preferably)
Squeeze of orange (or any other citrus fruit, lemon should do)

1. In a shaker add the four spirits & strawberry crush - shake well
2. Sugar coat the rim of the coupette glass
3. Fill it with crush ice (a little more than half the glass)
4. Top of with mixed spirits
5. Squeeze some orange juice before serving (just a dash)

Enjoy !

Losing my virginity

Intellectual Goddess (IG) and I spoke after ages yesterday and as usual the discussion turned out to be quite interesting.
I was expressing my annoyance at two things first that most people I meet think I am still in school. Parents have walked up to me asking whether I am in the same grade as thier child.
Travelling back from London, the head steward point blank asks me how old I am. He thought I was 16 (Shreez is not loving this)

Secondly is the fact that SM thinks I am not a virgin. For the record I am and not at all ashamed about it. If you see my ex boy friends you will figure out why !
But the fact is, that she thought I was bonking every guy I went out with. IG figures its not such a big deal and the fact that when we (the gang of girls) do get down to discussing the intimate aspects of sex, I for some reason know quite a bit.

I pick up alot of random information as I pass through my life and most of it comes through Papa Romero and P Diddy. Who else would walk into my house at 4 am and ask me what a dingleberry is?
you really dont want to know trust me (and papa romero can explain it if he wants too)

But IG and I got into a deep conversation about piercings... she was quite shocked to know that penis piercing is quite common. Now why would any self respecting man do it - but hey each to his own right (i think)
Woman pierce thiers as well, so I guess if one can do it why cant the other...
Any way this conversation sounded much funnier yesterday - I shall end now
beam me up scotty

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Follow up to random post 1

Well chatting with N again as you can see I dont want to work today, well basically I have decided to not name people on my blog, but refer to them by code names or initials... (I must confess this is a stolen idea)

I give N the option to come up with a code name, - I laugh

N - I see you have used our discussion, where are my royalties
me - ah you read my blog
N - yup
me - called u 'N" i have decided not to take ne names... so either come oup with a code name or be for ever know as N n big daddy not allowed (his first choice for code name)
N - how about papa romero
me: that just cracks me up... the name needs to encompass the person that is u and u are no big daddy or papa romero

N - hey romero is a famous guitarist
ok ill settle for nutjob

For future reference N is now called nutjob

Nutjob and I continue our conversation

NJ - flutter flutter, you talking about who I think you are talking about
me: yup yup
me: as much as i love being single i am utterly sick of it and it sucks even more when your ex's have moved on and the ones you like dont even know you exist
me: talk to me...
btw i must warn u, there is a high possibility that all conversations from now onwards shall be relayed on my blog if content is funny, serious or life changingly deep
NJ: as long as u use papa romero
me: nope its nut job... decided
has a nice ring to it

NJ: crap!

I finally feel bad to the guy and now has been renamed to papa romero

Done for the day, not that I did any thing, going home... aloha

Home Sweet Home

Just got back from vacation - went back home for a week, I have lived in that house for 10 years but now after 2 years in my little cottage - its home for me.
I now go back home to visit my parents, it will always be my home, with its arms open welcoming me back home, but the joy of coming back to my little place, unlocking the door I walk in, the house is fresh, flowers in various parts of the house, three plants which I shall hopefully not kill !

Taking a page of out compulsive confessor blog on "when does a house become a home"

1. I consider my self quite house proud, I am a born hostess and enjoying throwing dinner parties
2. The fact that I know what exactly lies in my kitchen, including the packet(s) of prunes which makes S deduce that I am higly constipated (FYI I am not and the prunes are not for me)
3. What was just four walls, now with all the DIY and interior decorating ideas this house has now become my home - reflecting the person that is me !

I love having visitors, drop on by any time - food and drinks guarenteed

Rambling on !

I'm back... after a few months of not writing and the dam network telling me I cant view certain pages, some thing about pornographic content - jeez louise... well i'm back

Was talking to N, random conversations as usual... and loving friend that he is - insults me (who needs enemy's when you have friends right)

Incidents which proves the above
1. N calling me a loud speaker, while I consider my self to be quite the confidant and looking at his current situation I AM !
2. S telling me I look like crap, a day before "someone" was to visit
3. N suggesting I need to buy padded bras - well good things come in small packages so bah!
4. Maniac introducing me as butthead
5. Boobs throwing incriminating posters into my house (dang you woman)

"Just saw KH - dang" flutter flutter

Coming back to the random conversation

me: back
N: always here
me: wah wat a hallmark card we came up with... front of card, wife walks into house saying "honey i'm back'
open the card husband with flowers says i'm always here
wife thinks it very romantic or considers her husband to be a lazy son of a bitch who wont go look for a job

Perfect conversations for a extremly bored chica