25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Can we try behaving like adults

"You have joined the work force, its time to stop acting as a kid. You are an adult now - act like one. "
Wise words from a wise woman - my mum

I wished the other 'adults' had some one to tell them the same. People twice my age acting as kids - with the he says she says philosophy, how do you expect any logical comprimise to be reached.

Hitting below the belt, vile rumours, back stabbing - is this my initiation to the working world?

Here to mold the minds of the future generations, doomed they are !

1 comment:

moonstruck maniac said...

Piff. I still fail to understand and work according to these logical ideas.