25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Friday, July 23, 2010

and its done!

Cant believe how fast time flies!
I have already come to the end of my B.Ed.... keep thinking this is a dream, and I'm going to wake up and it will be time to go for the inauguration ceremony...
As I sit in my sari, waiting to leave, this past year has been filled up highs and lows, laughter and tears and everything else which comes as a side order with LIFE!

Today is the Valedictory ceremony, we dint take part in the official college convocation ceremony because our semester started later. So next year May if I'm still in Bangalore, I will do the walk, with the whole gown hat etc.

But for now this is my graduation!!!! I know I still have my exams left, but this a big deal! I did it!

Christ University is interesting to say the least. It was hard to get back to the whole being a student thing and especially in a place which is such a stickler for rules and regulations..

Looking back at my blog, I realize I never really did a post on college life etc.
Well here goes :)
Being a student was fun again, but honestly I like being on the other side of the table. And now my degree allows me to do that! Can you say Teacher aunty?

I took part in my fair share of events in college - Mono Act, Dumb Charades (yes I am the drama diva)
I became the official designer for the department, worked on the newsletters, brochures, posters etc for the School of Education.
Thanks to all my experience in Kodai and BY's amazing design skills I did learn some thing...

We went on trips, we attended classes, we bunked classes, we submitted assignments (late but never the less), went to the library, googled every thing!
Made friends with people I never expected to do!
All in all, apart from what I was taught in class I learnt a lot...
learnt how to use the Indian loo! (seriously major accomplishment!)
learnt how to wear a sari (properly and now can say I can put on a sari in 8 minutes!)
felt domesticated at times - making my lunch, packing it, watering the plants all in a sari...
felt like crap at times
Frustrated at times...
But overall I'm happy its done!

Dee, Pinks, WC and N came for the function! Surrounded my friends and family I am happy.
While every one else brought one or two guests I came with my whole posse and as one of the teachers very politely put it "They are quite the lively bunch aren't they?"
From taking a million pictures to hooting every time my picture came up on the screen, it was a fun day..
After which we went to our favourite watering hole, High Note for a lovely lunch.
The party continued on at WC's place in the evening, going into the early hours of the morning (as usual :))
I finally came home today 5 days later, after hours of WII and cooking for the boys, the past week has been a blast..
Toodles from the graduate
Happy Tuesday
Celebratory lunch at High Note

Bring on the drinks :)

Lookie here, I won some thing :)

Student teachers of Mary Immaculate School

Teaching aids, a teachers best friend!

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