25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Friday, July 23, 2010

and its done!

Cant believe how fast time flies!
I have already come to the end of my B.Ed.... keep thinking this is a dream, and I'm going to wake up and it will be time to go for the inauguration ceremony...
As I sit in my sari, waiting to leave, this past year has been filled up highs and lows, laughter and tears and everything else which comes as a side order with LIFE!

Today is the Valedictory ceremony, we dint take part in the official college convocation ceremony because our semester started later. So next year May if I'm still in Bangalore, I will do the walk, with the whole gown hat etc.

But for now this is my graduation!!!! I know I still have my exams left, but this a big deal! I did it!

Christ University is interesting to say the least. It was hard to get back to the whole being a student thing and especially in a place which is such a stickler for rules and regulations..

Looking back at my blog, I realize I never really did a post on college life etc.
Well here goes :)
Being a student was fun again, but honestly I like being on the other side of the table. And now my degree allows me to do that! Can you say Teacher aunty?

I took part in my fair share of events in college - Mono Act, Dumb Charades (yes I am the drama diva)
I became the official designer for the department, worked on the newsletters, brochures, posters etc for the School of Education.
Thanks to all my experience in Kodai and BY's amazing design skills I did learn some thing...

We went on trips, we attended classes, we bunked classes, we submitted assignments (late but never the less), went to the library, googled every thing!
Made friends with people I never expected to do!
All in all, apart from what I was taught in class I learnt a lot...
learnt how to use the Indian loo! (seriously major accomplishment!)
learnt how to wear a sari (properly and now can say I can put on a sari in 8 minutes!)
felt domesticated at times - making my lunch, packing it, watering the plants all in a sari...
felt like crap at times
Frustrated at times...
But overall I'm happy its done!

Dee, Pinks, WC and N came for the function! Surrounded my friends and family I am happy.
While every one else brought one or two guests I came with my whole posse and as one of the teachers very politely put it "They are quite the lively bunch aren't they?"
From taking a million pictures to hooting every time my picture came up on the screen, it was a fun day..
After which we went to our favourite watering hole, High Note for a lovely lunch.
The party continued on at WC's place in the evening, going into the early hours of the morning (as usual :))
I finally came home today 5 days later, after hours of WII and cooking for the boys, the past week has been a blast..
Toodles from the graduate
Happy Tuesday
Celebratory lunch at High Note

Bring on the drinks :)

Lookie here, I won some thing :)

Student teachers of Mary Immaculate School

Teaching aids, a teachers best friend!

Monday, July 19, 2010

and what a weekend it was...

Ah Monday nights, enjoying some down time, with Chinese food, chilled beer at home... this weekend has been packed to say the least!
Friday night, I was official baby sitter for Akku and we had quite the blast. Watched a movie, made Dee's birthday cake and chilled :) I got done with that at 11 and headed to WC's house for what I thought was a quiet evening of poker with the
guys... Walked in the house to find 25 people there and the party in full swing.

Lots of laughter, poker and drinks later, the party finally ended at 9am. Breakfast, movies and
some Xbox later, finally managed to get some sleep at 3pm... only to be woken up at 5 for the next party.
And while I slept the boys played cricket on the xbox... will the fascination for cricket never stop. From playing on the roads, to the comfort of thy home. Technology never ceases to amaze me.

Saturday was Dee's birthday and we had the first official Above The Knee's Party at our place. The party was destined to be great, because I found two day
s earlier I had won a radio competition (yes I do take part in them a lot!)
And what did I win, the alcohol being sponsored for the party!

I do love Radio Indigo... so we were all set for the party...
It was a blast, expected! And around 10pm, in walked in Kenny Jones and SriRam with our goodies...drum roll please...
3 bottles of whiskey
3 bottles of rum
3 bottles of vodka
1 crate beer
1 crate energy drinks
2 hard rock tshirts
2 CD's
and other indigo goodies!!!

Now we were set to Partaaay!!!

Had a blast with the radio indigo RJ's and after a whole lot of drinks, jokes and laughter it was time to bring in the Birthday girls birthday!
The party finally wound up at 3am and I headed back to Ian's with the gang...
Finally some sleep at 5am, after making Maggie and peanut butter sandwiches for all LOL

Sunday was relaxed, waking up at 2 and then spending the rest of the day in bed watching random stuff on TV... just what the doctor ordered.

And the week begins again, my last week in Christ Univers
ity. Graduation is on Friday! WOHOO
Off to bed now at a reasonable hour for once!
And here some pictures from the Winner of the first Radio Indigo Party Patrol :):)

My pretty flat mates!

SriRam, Shreya, Stanley and Kenny

With the boys :)

With the girls!

The gang with the goodies

Monday, July 05, 2010

and the finishing line is in sight...

35 days left and it marks my one year of living in Bangalore..
With the highs and the lows the city has put me through, almost a year later as I stretch out in the comfort of my humble abode (yes my house still makes me smile!) I say,
I am settled
I am happy
But enough of my contemplative nonsense, this past month has been super busy and one wonders where time has flown...
I am almost to the end of my B.Ed degree..cant believe its almost over... the major hurdles have been crossed and now the finishing line is well in sight.

My student teaching is over, and boy did it go quick. For an entire year we were bombarded by the teachers in our college, telling us how tough it would be, the sleepless nights, the hard work and the stress we would be dealing with.

But honestly it was not as hard as they said it would be...
I was teaching in Mary Immaculate School - Wilson Garden. An all girls school and your truly was teaching 9th grade girls - English and History..
My first day of class, boy was I nervous.. but as soon as I entered the classroom all the nervousness disappeared and I fed off the girls responsiveness!

Smart bunch of kids, with loads of questions and always keeping me on my toes!
I got great feedback from my teachers, teachers from the school and my fellow classmates! I was happy, excited and satisfied with what I was doing!

I think the biggest boost to my ego was that teachers from the school were asked to sit in my class since my classes were so interactive! Modern ages is not an easy topic to teach... I always hated history in school, so my form of teaching was to do the opposite of how I was taught :)
Worked well enough I say :)

Even the principal was observing me on the CTV cameras (creepy but got good feedback!)

As you can see I am still feeding off the high from my student teaching...

Oh and also the whole I have to wear a sari every day... which was totally freaking me out... easy peasy... am now proud to say I can put on a sari, in exactly 7 minutes wohoo!

In other aspects of life... seaman went and had an accident, he is now nursing a broken elbow... layla is gone but she saved his life!
He's in Bangalore, home bound and getting a bit cagey now days, understandably!

Its been movies movies and movies for him... along with games of poker... he aims to win enough to buy a new car, and with my luck in the cards looks like its all from me !!! :)

My past couple of weekends have been spent at WC's house watching 2 and half men and chilling... My weekend house to get away from the city !

I know have a week off before my practical exam, theory exam and valedictory day... 36 days and I am done!!!

Looking for a job, fingers crossed that everything falls into place...

Well thats all from me for now, how do you like the new blog look?

*Listening to Smile by Uncle Kracker

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

As darkness turns to light

The sun rises... and I head to bed

4:30 am arrives..

The night sky lightens..

View from my balcony -3:00 am

And its 2:30 am

The title says it all, 2:30 am on a Wednesday morning, and I cant sleep!!!!
Tried watching twilight, but my fan is too loud for me to hear what's going on... So what to do... blog of course!

One week since class got done, my how time has flown...
Today also marks the one year anniversary of CNSVC... like I said before how time has flown...

The week has been good, relaxed... hanging out with some good friends always makes life much nicer!

Hung out with Happy couple 1 & 2 this past week... D was my date for the weekend! Like always we had fun :D

Wore on a dress on saturday! Gasp I know... There is a girl under this creature called shreez!

Here's a picture to prove it happened...

Watched Iron Man 2 - good movie, not as great as the first, but Robert Downing Jr. - is FINE!!!

Also watched Badmaash Company - a semi decent movie, and even portrays Michael Jackson LOL

Happy Couple 1 and 2 are coming to Kodai this weekend. We all travelling up on Thursday night and they will be there till Sunday night. I will be staying on till graduation.
My kids graduate... yay!

Looking forward to the trip... should be fun :)

My new happy songs:
Say Hey (I love you)
Wavin the flag

Well thats all the randomness from me for now...
Happy Wednesday... its all down hill from here...
Hope your weekend is as exciting as mine will be...


Thursday, April 29, 2010

at this moment

The last week has been pretty weird for me. Got my self into a slump, which usually indicates an intense conversation has occurred.
My mind is now reeling over facts, fiction, fears, demons and other things which lie ahead.
To stay and fight or to run away like I usually do.
Words from the conversation, push their way into my conscious at the most times, sending me into a whirlwind.
I want to cry but I am precariously balanced over the edge, of emotional turmoil.
For the past couple of days I have locked my self into my own little world, doing the mundane aspects of life, hoping to keep it all together, because this time when I break its going to be a big one...
I usually vent - get it out in the open with the people I am safe with, but this time its different. I am scared to let them know. For what will they think of me?
And my new friends, well I dont give them a chance... it is easier to close the door than deal with the risk..
that's life at this moment.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

and the beautification continues

So we found a lady who comes home and does massages, pedicures and other spa stuff in the comfort of your own home! Talk about convenient!

Been spreading the word with all my girl friends and everyone has rave reviews.

So yesterday Angel, Ala-bama and I decided to do a girls afternoon. Back massages, head massages, waxing - the whole shing bang!
So relaxing!!!!

So anyway while I was getting my massage I realized that these beauty treatments are a major bonding occasion for us women.
We were walking around half naked as we got our different treatments with no care in the world. Rather we were in such a state of bliss that we could barely hold conversations.

My masseuse decided to tell me her life story and some more bonding took place :)

I guess in the pre beautician age - women used to spend time prepping them selves while bonding.

Ok so this post is not making much sense, blame it on the post biryani coma :)

Off to study... ciao amigo's and amigas

My favourite people

Ala-bama has arrived! And the past 48 hours have been so much fun! From talking all night long, to getting massages and then getting ready for going out! I missed this girl so much!

You know there are some people you can be completely your self with. And no matter how crazy / weird you act they stand next to you and be the exact same way:)
Those are true friends.

Its been wonderful just hanging with these special people, they always know how to bring a smile to my face.

Yes this post is blatantly advertising how absolutely, fantastic, super awesomely my friends are!

Thank you guys for being there for me through thick and thin!

Went out to blue bar with Seaman, The happy couple and Ala-bama last night. Wonderful evening with great friends.

Blue bar is quite nice, and citrus vodka with cranberry juice is yummy. Us girls bonded, like girls usually do and a girls night has been planned for the coming week! Yay!

So I sign off happy and content (even with my exams starting monday!)

Friday, April 09, 2010

and the hostess is back :D

You know how much I love hosting parties and my house. I love cooking and taking care of people and in general being the little hostess. Sometimes I think I should have been born in the 1950's :D

Yesterday had Seaman, the happy couple, and small over for dinner. I was so happy to be bustling around in my kitchen listening to music while I cook away.

The house was spotless and I was exhausted :)

It was so nice to have S around. He approved of the house (phew) - gotta love younger-older brothers.

This is the first time I have officially cooked in Bangalore, I mean I have cooked in Ian's place quite a few times, but this was my house done my way.

Oh yeah the menu:
Devilled Eggs
Penne and Chicken
Garlic Bread
Fresh Mangos and Ice Cream

It was a quiet evening, some music, great conversation and lovely company.
Shreez is a happy girl...

No photo's since S insisted I did not take out the camera (I only listen to him!)

PS - Ala-bama arrives in 10 hours wohoo:D

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Give it to me, one time..

Ever had a song which makes you happy every time you hear it!
Well my happy song for the moment is 54-46 was my number by Toots and The Maytals, heard it at Beady house and fell in love with the song.
So for the past few days, the song is on repeat on full volume!
*twirls around happily*

So my loyal readers what's your happy song - comment and share some music with us all!

My site meter says I have readers from all around the world: California, Colorado, Ohio, New Jersey, Florida, Ontario, Senegal, Slovakia, Istanbul, Moscow, Saudi Arabia, Mauritius, Bombay, Gujarat, Delhi, Bangalore, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Japan and Australia.
Pretty extensive I say!
So comments are more than welcome, what are you listening to today!

Life in Bangalore is going good, talking to goldfish today I mentioned how suddenly it hits me that I have grown up. Yeah I know what your thinking, at 25 I should not be having these thoughts.

But as a kid, I remember watching my cousins and brothers living the life of 20 something year olds and being like I cant wait to be that old.
Now I think I have done a post very similar to this, when I was living in Kodai.. But living in a city relates much better to my childhood memories.

Last weekend, Angel and I were at home, and after dinner and some bonding we decided to dance. Cue chick flick moment. Music on full blast while these two delhi'ites 'just letting go' to quote my ding relations.

Talking about ding's - well Anglo Indians are known as dings - and I am proud to be one child :) With coconut rice and bobo curry and jiving! Whats not too like :D
Shout out to all the ding-dongs out there!

Now I am just rambling, because instead of studying I am procrastinating and blogging instead!
So shall sign off now.
Two days left for ala-bama to arrive!

Signing off now, go listen to your happy song and have a happy Tuesday !

Saturday, April 03, 2010

I heart Bangalore

So when I first shifted to Blore I hated it, well hate is a pretty strong word, I guess I just found it hard to adjust after Kodai. Dint have too many friends, my house was not a home and all in all I just felt out of place.
But 236 days later - I have to admit I love Bangalore.

I have friends and am constantly make new ones. I love meeting new people, new ideas, thoughts, views and just in general hanging with different people.

I am also fortunate to have great room mates as well. Another 'delhi-ite'! Isnt it weird that I have met nicer delhites in blore than I have in Delhi!!!

But what I love about Blore in the culture... even tho things close by 11:30 here, there is still so much to do! Good music, great places to go dancing, decent food (nothing compared to delhi, but cant complain :))

Today was beady's birthday - she has this wonderful 1BHK, well set up. Met loads of her friends, lots of drinking (the rum punch was potent!), lots of dancing (so nice to jive!!!) and a whole lot of laughter!

Came home and made dinner - while laughing hysterically and managed to cut my thumb and drop red chilly powder over it! Yeah I am THAT clumsy!

But all in all - a great day!
Ciao for now

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Naughty blogger

Yeah I know, its been too long... as IBM-boy said, What happened to your blog?? The last update was in Aug 2009? What happened after that? Grew out of it (no pun intended swthrt) or some thing (or someone) caged the Shreez's spirit?

So here go's my first blog for the year 2010...

I am loving Bangalore.. I have a new house, which is absolutely amazing! Own bedroom and bathroom and no dirty smelly undies around!

I also have an awesome kitchen in which I've been doing loads of cooking. Getting my Indian cooking skills up - now all I need to learn is how to make chappati's and I am good to get married :)

Convent Educated / teacher / Can cook / good family

see the ad is waiting to be written!

This year has been a good year for visitors, first aussie chick, then wiggles and soon ala-bama... people are sick of all the count downs on my fb status, but what can I say, am always excited to see my friends..

So back to my new house, we have friends who live upstairs and the rest of the building is filled with young single working people. So all izz well...

This post will be quite random, but honestly I am at a lost on what to blog about. I read my previous posts, and quite shamelessly I can admit that some posts were quite good. Looks like Kodai brought out my creative side.

Bullet points will have to suffice:
  • Love my new house as I have mentioned earlier
  • College going well - few weeks left and then a month off
  • Become the official designer for my course - designed a newsletter and brochure till date, I miss working with photoshop, but have to be happy with publisher
  • I am a text-aholic :)
  • Looking for a job, the reality of the real world awaits sigh!