25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Ah! the good days and the bad days

The good days and the bad days

There are days when I bask in your glory

Live for your love

Astounded by your greatness

Hear your word

Walk in complete faith

Complete peace

And then come the other days

When I dont listen

When I attempt to do all by myself

When life is to busy for some time with you

When life seems perfect and I really need nothing more

Yeah those are the bad days

And they go on and on

Days turn to weeks and some times months

I turn around and start from step one again

Each step again

Frustrated at my stupidity

And slightly amused at the fact that I thought I could do it my self


Ragini said...

But that's the only way you will learn my dear friend. You walk, stumble and fall. You pick yourself up. Then you walk, walk, walk. Stumble and fall. Pick yourself up. Then you walk, walk, walk, walk, walk, walk. Stumble and fall. Pick yourself again..see whats happening?
You're getting better at walking by yourself. Keep walking. Keep stumbling. Keep falling. As long as you can pick yourself up again and attempt again :)
Always there with you whether you're on foot or on the ground.

Anonymous said...

Indian farts a lot in public.