25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Wax and more!

Before anonymous, told me her story she knew I would love to blog about it. Oh how right she was!
I warn the male specimens who are reading this, you probably want to stop now, since I can guarantee you will be grossed out by the explicit details of a
Wait for it!

A Bikini Wax!

Trust me boys not the sexiest thing to have done to your self, but the after effects, well are so desirable aren’t they J

Its amazing the amount of pain which a woman puts her self through!
Pouring hot wax on ones ‘delicates’ (as A puts it) and then ripping out the hair, seriously girls what are we thinking!

The pain is excruciating, the situation is medley put quite odd and the fact that wax is dripping all around – uumm yeah not really the best thing to be discussing on a public forum!

I asked A how bad the pain was – she said well now I know what you went thru when you got a tattoo – ouch!
The funny part was that half way thrugh this painful and very weird experience she busrt out laughting.
“Shreez I was in so much pain that’s the only dam thing I could do” says A

Any way I guess its some thing every girl needs to go thru. I hope the men appreciate it!

Just too end off, I was reading an article in the Cosmo some time back about bikini waxes and the ladies who do it were dishing out all the dirt and one beautician said that a chick got turned on while getting one done and she (the beautician) had to hand her a couple of tissues and leave the room for a bit!

Talk about embarrassing. See now that’s one job I do not want ~ ever!

Talking about things one reads in the Cosmo – one issue had an article on sex related ER antidotes.
For example – a woman thought it would be funny to stuff a tennis ball up her man’s rear end. Long story cut short, it got stuck and needed to be removed surgically. While waiting in the ER for the surgeon, the guy started coughing real bad and out popped the ball, bouncing off the wall and hit the surgeon in the face.
You know one should feel sorry for the poor guy, but that is hilarious!

Yesh this is quite a random blog post, but have been pestered by many to get back to writing, so hopefully this shall be the start of many more to come!

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