25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Lazy - resistant to work or exertion, disposed to idleness

IG and I were havinng one of our random conversations, revolving around the hotness of KH, the basic stupidity of people in general and what should I be called in her blog - we finally settled on PCB wanna be!

We were discussing some thing, which at the moment I cannot remember, but I did proclaim that I was lazy.

Me - IG... I am sooooo lazy !
IG - well...laziness had a quality of going and sucking everyone into its clutches
Me - thats stupid, how can laziness go out out suck people into its clutches... its lazy... it just sits on its fat arse and does nothing...
IG - nnnnooooooooo!!! i'm telling u, laziness is not lazy... it gets people into its clutches,

now comes the profound part...read on

IG - its like when u put a dollop of butter on hot toast, it does not do any thing yet it spreads all over... that is what laziness is!

How can you fight with that logic ??

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