25 Female Adventure seeker Clumsy
Loud Fierce Protective Hopelessly single and loves to write...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hectic weekend

Its been a while since I have written. End of semester is suddenly looming infront of me and I still have quite a few things to do. Taking a page from Intellectual Goddess book - "Do you know how much work I have to do. Let me tell you, I have a list"

1. I have exams in less than a month, still have not studied
2. Still have to finish my practicals (aah flash back to the three years in college)
3. Christmas is coming - no gifts as yet !!
4. Christmas banquet is on the 18 - incharge of entertainment n nothing is done

And to top it off, I have decided to go down to pondicherry for the weekend. This plan was formed 24 hours before the schedule time of departure.

Basically I leave tonight, by bus and arrive in Pondicherry at 4 am. Bunking out with SM (she is there for some work conference). Chill in Pondy and Auroville till sunday evening where I catch the bus back to kodai.

I travel for 18 hours in total to spend 33 hours in Pondy (well ne thing is better than nothing right)

Its 1:08 I still have not packed, I finally got my bus tickets. I guess the next few hours are going to be crazy busy :)

Cant wait to get there, to actually see the sun shining, chill at the beach, drown a few beers and have some good 'ol french wine

Till then Cheers

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